Think Globally: Act Locally
To grow within the Indian market, TROESTER opens the new subsidiary TROESTER India Pvt. Ltd. based in Chennai (Tamil Nadu)– focusing on expanding the rubber business unit.

The steady growing market in India gets more and more important for TROESTER. Hence TROESTER has decided to act more locally. The new established TROESTER India Pvt. Ltd. shows active presence and provides the high-quality service TROESTERS customers appreciate.
Particularly the Rubber Business Division in India has grown rapidly over recent years. This has ensured that TROESTER’s machines are now used in over 20 plants in India. The focus will continuous be on expanding this business area in terms of providing sustainable and innovative service solutions.
A new location also requires strong management. The company is very pleased that they were able to hire Saravana Kumar as managing director for TROESTER India Pvt. Ltd. Saravana has been active in the Indian tire industry for over 18 years and is well known among industry partners and customers.
Enercity builds Hanover's largest photovoltaic plant for own consumption
On the hall roofs of the Hanover-based company TROESTER, enercity is currently completing Hanover’s largest photovoltaic system for self-consumption. With a total output of 940 kilowatts peak (kWp), this is enercity’s next large-scale PV project in the region. Just in March, the energy service provider announced the construction of a 600 kWp plant on the roof of a Hanover furniture store. enercity’s goal is to work with its customers to increase electricity generation from solar power and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. -
TROESTER in brandeins magazine
In September, Managing Director Bernd Pielsticker was interviewed by the business magazine brandeins. The topic: logistics and the ability of companies to deliver in time. The fact that the effort to store more can be worthwhile is shown by the example of TROESTER.